Backbone.js fetch Collection
The Backbone.js fetch Collection is used to fetch the set of models from the server for collection. When the models are returned models are merged with the existing models. If we want to reset all the models and form fill new models we use { reset: true } option of this method which resets the collection....
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Backbone.js Collections
A Backbone.js Collections are a group of related models. It is useful when the model is loading to the server or saving to the server. Collections also provide a helper function for performing computation against a list of models. Aside from their own events collections also proxy through all of the events that occur to the model within them, allowing you to listen in one place for any change that might happen to any model in the collection....
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Backbone.js models Collection
The Backbone.js models Collection is used to access the JavaScript array of models inside the collection. The model object can be accessed with the use of ‘get’ or ‘at’ but we can use models to direct reference to the array....
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Backbone.js parse Collection
The Backbone.js parse Collection is a method that is called by Backbone whenever a Collection’s models are returned by the server. The default implementation simply passes the JSON response. We can override it with a new logic to flexibly parse the response....
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Backbone.js reset Collection
The Backbone.js reset Collection is used to replace the whole list of models with a new list of models or attributes hash. This function returns newly set models in the collection. We can pass null in place of models to make the collection empty....
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Backbone.js url Collection
The Backbone.js url Collection is the property or function of a collection which is the reference to the location where the data in the server is located. The url property of collection is used by all the models of collection to construct the url to fetch the data....
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Backbone.js add Collection
The Backbone.js add collection is utilized to include a model or an array of models to the given collection. It takes the model as the first parameter and options as the second parameter. In this article, we will discuss the Backbone.js add collection....
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Backbone.js sync Collection
The Backbone.js sync Collection is the function that the collection calls every time attempts to request the server. When a collection begins a sync with the server, a request event is emitted. If the request completes successfully you’ll get a sync event and an error event if not....
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Backbone.js comparator Collection
The Backbone.js comparator Collection is the property of the collection’s model which is used to sort all the models in the collection. By default, there is no comparator for a collection. Whenever a new model is added to the collection comparator helps to sort the models....
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Backbone.js constructor / initialize Collection
Backbone.js is a compact library used to organize JavaScript code. Another name for it is an MVC/MV* framework. If you’re not familiar with MVC, it’s just a method for creating user interfaces. JavaScript functions make it much simpler to create a program’s user interface. Models, views, events, routers, and collections are among the building blocks offered by BackboneJS to help developers create client-side web applications....
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Backbone.js get Collection
The Backbone.js get Collection is used  to retrieve model from a Collection. This method uses unique identified to get the model we can use user define id value or by default cid value or model name....
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Backbone.js extend Collection
In this article, we will see the Backbone.js extend collection. The Backbone.js extend collection can be used to extend the backbone’s collection class in which we can create our own collection. It also facilitates the instance properties & the optional classProperties that are attached to the constructor function of the collection directly....
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